Jurate Butkiene (Lithuania)
Arrow Stork of Poliarine Arktika
Champion class, 2 x exl 1, 2 x CAC, res CACIB, CACIB, BOB
At the IDS “KAUNAS WINNER” and “KIKA CUP’2019” in Kaunas our boy Stork won 2xCAC, res CACIB, CACIB and Best of Breed, made the last cut in the group ring!
I want to give my biggest thanks to the breed judge Jurate Butkiene for rating our boy soo highly!
Huge thank you to my friends for great time we spent there and for the friendly atmosphere to Reda Vaitkunskienė and Rimtas, to Vytautas Baranauskas, Margarita Budžiūtė and Daiva Vartavičienė, to Svetlana Valoueva for the support and huge professional help with my dogs!